To understand what it is, let’s first understand what it is not…
The Atkins diet, The Zone diet, The Ketogenic “keto” diet, The Vegetarian diet, The Paleolithic “paleo” diet, Weight Watchers, The South Beach diet, The Raw food diet, The Mediterranean diet, The Carnivore diet, The Cabbage Soup diet, “Eating clean” or a planned “meal plan” for you to follow.
Health HUB coaches understand:
• Nutrition goes beyond just ‘what you eat’. It also involves social influence & culture, past experiences with food, allergies, budget and family connection.
• These factors make it impossible to create a ‘one size fits all’ nutritional plan.
• Our client’s success is dependent on their personal limitations and their unique definition of success. Is it fat loss, muscle gain, a particular competition, etc etc etc???
Health HUB coaches will hold you accountable, they have learned that most people’s experience with diets have led them to believe that some foods are “good for you” and some foods are “bad for you” and that the way you lose weight was determined by the foods you cut out of your diet.
Chicken + Rice = Good and Ice Cream + Lollies = Bad. Right??
Not entirely.
In addition to providing strategic, evidence-based resources that will deepen your knowledge of nutrition and help you integrate better habits into your lifestyle, the HHNC program integrates the concept of “flexible dieting” or, the counting and tracking of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat).
You and your coach will work together in identifying YOUR goals and put together a plan that is tailored for YOU.
Health HUB coaches believe that the combination of integrating some often simple, but easily-overlooked habits into your life PLUS consuming the correct quantities of food will successfully lead to changes in your health and body composition.
Ready to commit? Book your initial consultation to find out more.